Relationships In the Workplace


Last spring I accepted a scholarship that was accompanied by an optional internship for Fall 2013 and Spring 2014. I currently intern but last week I resigned. I will work for the remainder of this semester but will not work next semester. I currently work with a team of interns who are overseen by Michael, a full-time employee. My internship has made me realize how crucial it is to build a relationship with co-workers and one’s subordinates.

Before I began my internship I reached out to Michael to have lunch, and that is the most time we have spent together. My first week on the job I did not interact with Michael nor did I receive any training or welcome from Michael. My relationship with Michael consists of “Hi, how are you?” conversations. Since the beginning, I have not felt like a valued team member. I feel like another intern who is rotating through the firm.

When I decided I wanted to resign from the internship, I did not feel comfortable approaching Michael. I put off my resignation for two weeks because I didn’t want to confront with Michael. I believe that if Michael and I had a stronger relationship and I felt valued, I would be more comfortable going to speak with him.

As I begin my career and more specifically when I take on a management role, I will be able to recall my experience with my internship and remind myself of the importance of the building personal relationships with my co-workers and subordinates. As a co-worker, I will go out to lunch with my team, pull members aside to ask how their projects are going, and making sure they feel appreciated.

Having a personal relationship with others and feeling comfortable around them fosters more trusting relationships. With trust, co-workers will be comfortable taking on challenges because they will not be afraid of making mistakes. Trust in the workplace will ultimately to a more productive and happier work environment.

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